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How to Cast On in Knitting | Learn to Knit Beginner Stitch Series Part 1

Writer's picture: Sarah MilliganSarah Milligan

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to Love & Crochet's first post in the Learn to Knit Beginner Stitch Series! In this post, we'll go over the content covered in this free course, the materials you will need, and the very first step to set off your knitting journey.

Before we get into the post, we have a super quick message for you. We use third-party cookies to display relevant advertisements on this page, and present affiliate links directed to products that we know and love. As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from and other shopping platforms. This helps us provide free articles and other quality content. Any purchases made from these advertisements will support us, at no additional cost to you! Thank you for being here and enjoy the article!

Chances are that if you are on this post then you're interested in knitting, but let me clear up one thing before we get started, and then give you a quick overview of what you can expect from this series!

First- knitting is not something that you must constantly practice, and there is much more to it than what you may believe. People imagine yarn crafters to be old ladies, knitting scarf, after scarf, after scarf. I couldn't count on my fingers how many books, movies, articles, and more that I have seen this stereotype in play. You watch or imagine the character, forming the same stitch over and over again in one plain color, never losing interest. I can't emphasize enough how wrong this is.

I am a busy, young person who dove into yarn arts to be creative and try new things!

Art is a form of expression. It is a form of relaxation. It is a form of mental focus and meditation that can impact how the rest of your busy day goes.

So, even if you take a spare ten minutes here and there to indulge in your craft, this craft, then your entire day could take a turn for the better.

Knitting is a lifelong craft that you can use on and off though, too. There is absolutely no need to stress if you take a few weeks off from it! But when you have the chance to indulge in knitting, it can be a transformational experience on so many levels. Again, a little goes a long way. Big or small, all projects have beauty and meaning packed into them.

We hope this inspired you to try out knitting and go beyond society's clichés. You can dream up anything then turn it into a knitted project- and we hope this short course and future ones set you off in that direction 💕

With that said, here's a quick overview of this free blog post series. If you are now eager to

learn the craft of knitting but have never picked up a pair of needles... then this is the perfect place to be! Knitting is a perfectly reachable art that anyone can enjoy. Over the course of eleven blog posts (ten parts), we cover everything you need to get started, create a handful of beautiful stitches, and apply your knowledge to the large, wonderful world of knitting. If you have a question at any time, don't hesitate to post it in the comments below- we will answer it. By the end of this series, you will be armed with the skill to conquer flat-knitted projects of any kind. We are very excited to set you off on this journey, and can't wait for you to begin!

At Love & Crochet, we believe the world of crafting should be accessible to everyone, hands down. No one should shy away from trying something new because it's too expensive or too difficult to learn. Maybe you feel that no one will help you if a stitch goes awry, or a project just isn't looking right. That's why we created this series- no hidden costs, easy-to-follow instructions, and support when you need it. Message us through any of our social media channels, email us at, or hit us with a comment below. So what are you waiting for! Let's get started.


The supplies you need for knitting are very simple! At its most basic level, this craft requires knitting needles and yarn. You can get these materials from any craft store, but we highly suggest the products below. Any purchases made through the links also support our website at no additional cost to you!

First and foremost, the needles. In the knitting series blog posts, we use the needles linked below. They are size 7 and 4.5 millimeters thick. The price is great and the needles have a smooth, good quality. The length is ideal for a beginner knitter like you, too! On the left, you can find them at Amazon, and on the right, Joann's.

The yarn we used in these tutorials is Red Heart With Love, Holly Berry in color. This yarn can be used for a variety of projects and stands out with its beautiful bright red color in the best way. You could whip something up quickly for a loved one using this rosy red yarn- it's the perfect Valentine's Day color. Not to mention, there are 43 other colors of the same style. 😮 Click the link below to see them all! On the right, you can find it at Joann's, and on the left, Amazon.

I have been using the scissors linked below for years and they have not failed me once. They are smooth, sharp, and feel wondrous in action. The grip is so comfortable—you could use them for hours and your hand wouldn't get sore! Not to mention, they are at an excellent price right now on Amazon. Consider buying them through the link below, I promise you, they'll bring you joy for years to come.

Also... there is an adorable small pair of scissors from the same brand that I love. You can buy them separately or both in the same package (what I did)!!

Last but not least- the long needles linked below are a huge time saver in so many scenarios. I have used them in most of my projects and (like the scissors) they have not failed me once! If you have been with Love & Crochet for a while, you know how much I adore this product, but if not, you can see a few more examples of projects you can make with these in our Baby Yoda Pattern Review, Bumble Bee Pattern Review, and more.

Please consider buying anything through these links, we would greatly appreciate it!

With that said, let's learn how to begin your very first project by casting on! The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow, and the clear accompanying photos will make your learning journey even more effortless.

How to Cast on

1. Wrap your yarn around one knitting needle, one loop per stitch needed.

For example, if you want 10 stitches per row, wrap the yarn around one needle 10 times (20 stitches, 20 wraps, etc). This does not have to be perfect—the purpose of this step is just to see how long your beginning yarn tail will need to be when you get to casting on. After you finish, unravel the yarn and hold it where the last loop was made. Add approximately 6 inches to that length and hold it there. Refer to the picture below for assistance.

(above) we wrapped our yarn around the knitting needle twenty times, because we wanted twenty stitches. When we finished, we unraveled the yarn and added a few more inches of length from that ending point of the winding. This point on the yarn is where you perform the next step.

2. Make a slip knot at the point in your yarn specified above.

If you don't know how to create a slip knot, follow the instructions below. There are many ways to do this, but we will show you one way specifically used in knitting. Be sure to make the slip stitch in the right spot on your yarn which you can identify in step one.

First, create a loop, as shown in the first photo below.

Next, fold the loop down and to the right, as shown in the second photo.

After that, place your knitting needle in the loop specified in the third photo below.

Pull on both ends of yarn, and your slip stitch is ready! This counts as your first cast on, or your first stitch.

When you have finished creating a slip stitch and placing it on the needle, move on to the next step.

3. Holding the yarn and needle.

Begin by positioning both ends of yarn. Set the needle with the slipknot on a surface. The yarn coming from the ball should be above the tail of the yarn, as shown in the first photo below.

Next, place your index finger beneath the top strand of yarn, and your thumb under the bottom yarn tail.

Finally, using your three remaining fingers, grasp both strands of yarn. Take a look at the photos below for guidance.

When you complete the previous three instructions, watch the following short video clip to finalize your hand positioning.

That's it for step 3! This is what your hand placement should look like for each cast on.

4. Finishing the cast-on

Watch the short video below to learn how to finalize your first cast-on (besides the slip stitch, which is the first) and to see a quick run-through of another one.

And that's all there is to casting on in knitting! Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have your desired amount of stitches (step 1). Take a look at the following photo to see what twenty cast-on stitches look like.

Thank you for reading this article! I hope to see you in our next post for the Learn to Knit Beginner Stitch Series, how to knit the garter stitch, and the rest of the Learn to Knit posts to come. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions via the comments below or email: Until next time!

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